domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

What time is it?

Today we look at the clock. What time is it? 
Let's watch a video to learn!

Now let's play a little! 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Angel Jesús,

    I have taken a look at your blog and I really liked it. My first impression is that it is an english blog for students in the first grades of Primary. I like the activities proposed, they are clear, simple, short, fun and educational. I liked very much the idea of combining content and games. The game activity, as a reward, after the video helps to reinforce the concepts and to relax and have fun. About this post (What time is it?) I have to say that it is simple, useful to teach that content and suitable for kids. I have played the car racing game and it is a very good complement for the video. I have also read the other posts and all of them are fine and interesting without any broken links and I have to confess that I could not resist playing PACMAN :)

    In short, it is a very good blog, with easy, fun and motivating activities for the beginners. And above all, it is a blog designed to be read and worked on directly by children. Thanks for sharing!

    Natalia Beltrán


Have or has?

  Hello! Today we see the verb to have. It is very important and very easy! Let's start with a really cool song.    It is very easy!  No...